I am super excited about this year and our curriculum choices. Seriously, there is SO much good stuff out there. How is a girl to choose?
I am doing something fairly new to me. I am creating my own continents studies for my 8th grader. There are a ton of resources out there and I couldn’t find anything all packaged up that met what I was looking for! We’ve got art, drawing the continents, history, mapping, research papers, international recipes, games, documentaries, and so much more…My favorite thing I am looking forward to is a book that contains 25 projects enabling the student to design their own country and culture! I MIGHT DO IT WITH HER! We will be studying the wonders of the world, history, culture, geography, famous missionaries, religions and I am sure we will only scratch the service!
For my youngest, we are sticking with our beloved Five In A Row! I will be choosing the books by continent so that we can match up with my older daughters studies, when we can! We have also discovered a new elementary math curriculum that we used last year and absolutely loved. We will be continuing with it for my 2nd grader this year.
Emma – 8th grade
Science – Zoology 2 | Apologia
Grammar – Winston
Bible – Quiet Time Journal
Literature – Unit Studies | Number the Stars, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Bridge to Teribithea, The Secret Garden
Math – Math U See
Social Studies, History, Art, Bible, Cooking, Writing, Geography – Continent Studies using the following resources:
How To Write A Great Research Paper / Writing A Country Report / Window of On the World / Geography Through Art / MicroNations/ Draw the World/ Wonders of The World / Around the World in 180 Days / Continents Of The World/ GeoBingo/Sequence/ Professor Noggin Wonders of The World (Thanks, Alicia for the recommendation!) / Eat Your Way Around The World, Christian Heroes of the Faith: Billy Graham, Cameron Townsend, Nate Saint, George Muller, Amy Charmichael, Kisses From Katie
Greyson – 2nd Grade
Art, Cooking, Reading, Bible, History, Science– Five In A Row
Math- Math Lessons for a Living Education
Phonics – Explode the Code
Spelling – Spell Well
Writing – Handwriting Without Tears
*I’ve had enough people ask me over the years where I bought my lesson planner from, that I finally decided to make it available for anyone! It will be coming this week, for sale in my store! Check back or sign up to have my blog posts delivered to your inbox and you will be among the first to know! So excited!