I really wanted to write this back in Feb, but I felt like I wanted to keep it to myself for a little bit. I was given a little treasure and sometimes treasures need to be put up for safe keeping. Occasionally, I feel like every time I write lately, I’m all….dude my life is so hard. Truth is, it is right now. It could always be harder, but this here and now is hard. I don’t know why that makes me think I should be quiet, but sometimes it does. What needs to ring louder than my pain is Jesus. I truly hope it does.
We were given tickets to a dance production downtown at a fancy place. My life long dream was always to be a dancer. I’m not one, lol. I never really tried. Outside of a starring role in a piece in college at the spring mus-i-cal {please say it like Mrs. Darbus #highschoolmusical, it just sounds way cooler}, I never really did too much else. Well, there was that one time I was a dancing palm tree with Liz, but we won’t go there. Anyway, It was a dramatic piece depicting a horse race. It was complete with onlookers, people placing their bets, a whole track and horses. All parts played by people. I was the staring horse. The one that was favored to win the race. However, the horse got injured and therefore, I interpretive danced my way through a dramatic fall and ultimately, the horse’s death. I. was. a. horse. that. died. I wish I was kidding.
Broadway never came, but I watch every dance thing at every chance I am given. This one was no exception. We met new friends that blessed us with tickets and we met their friends at the venue. Beyond lovely people. We met more people as they were all friends with the cast and directors. The production was amazing. The venue spectacular. The company even better. They all have given their lives to the arts. Living out the creativity and beauty of Jesus by sharing the arts and the love of Jesus with others.
After the performance, we were standing in the lobby overlooking the entire downtown through a multistory glass wall. There were 7 of us talking. As we were saying our goodbyes and thank you’s, one man who had flown in from the south for the production said, “Can I pray over you?”. Immediately, five sets of hands laid on us. In the lobby of this grand building with hundreds of people scurrying around us, time stood freaking still. This man that we had known for about 4.5 seconds began to pray. He didn’t know much about us, but he prayed- heartfelt, bold, compassionate, and spot on…every word.
I had just prayed a couple days prior for a moment. A “Jesus with skin” on moment like I had with my 4 year old. Jesus never disappoints.
All I could think was, I am standing on Holy Ground. This man was praying for things for my husband and I that he could have never understood were the answers to the cries of my heart. I am pretty sure I stopped breathing. I could have stood there forever. A touch like that from the Lord, in a crowded building, was that amazing. What will heaven be like. I. can’t. even.
All parts of knowing Jesus are a thing, ya know. It isn’t just the head knowledge. The deep down soul touches are so beautiful it really does take my breath away. It hits me in all the feels. I love that God created feelings & emotions. I love that this man followed the promptings of Jesus in his heart.
My heart was so filled up. I wrote down what I remembered of his words and read them often. What a gift to be seen by new friends. What a gift to be loved on so beautifully by our Creator. May I be a person who sees others, sees their needs, and acts upon it. That night changed my life for the better. May I always pass it forward.