My first born is leaving home. He is joining the AirForce. I am proud of him. Before he joined? I was proud then too. I am dealing with my initiation into a club of people who don’t have all their kids living under the same roof anymore. If I am honest, I don’t want to be part of this club. However, time marches on and you put your big girl panties on and adjust, right? I think of all the other “clubs” I have joined in my life that I didn’t want to. Life experience has taught me that the ones I resisted the most, have usually ended up being the best.
I mean really, isn’t this the moment that I’ve been working for for the last 18.5 years {plus 9 months}? It’s not like I didn’t know this was coming. I just didn’t know it would get here so quick. I had moms tell me. Moms did warn me. However, it basically falls on deaf ears when you have children still in diapers. I mean how can you grasp it when you have a chubby cheeked baby sitting on your hip. It seems utterly ridiculous and so far away… and it should. Otherwise, I am confident you would spend those days fetal in a corner and miss the whole thing.
*we aren’t discussing that this one turns 13 this month. nope, carry on…
I continue through the aisles in search of a container to organize my letters for my letter board. Despite the fact that I have owned it for a year without having my letters organized and I am at Walmart for a birthday gift, today becomes the time that I have to organize them. Like, NOW. I am in control of something.
I press on to find my gift and as I turned down the greeting card aisle, I see a young mom, pushing her toddler in a cart. Her toddler has a plastic trash can upside down on her head and is singing Happy Birthday at the top of her lungs. Oh heaven help me, how I miss those days.
Last night we had and an open house for Cameron. It was strange not to have so many who have been such a big part of his life for so very many years there. It was strange not to have grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins around. However, we were surrounded with a whole bunch of fabulous people who gave up their Friday night to come and pray over, love on, and spend time with us. They have become our Kansas City family and we adore them all. When you move 1800 miles from home you DO NOT take these things for granted. It is everything.
I once found this fabulous lady online. She has three adult children. Talk about goals. Go follow her. Anyway, I saw the idea of these little army guys being a prayer reminder. I knew immediately that this would be included in our party. And here he sits…
*my fabulous friend got me a present too. A you’re flipping awesome candle. Can you even?
On our letter board for Cameron, I picked this verse. It’s for him, but it’s also for me. The upcoming days will be a transition. So thankful for Jesus.
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go.
*isn’t she lovely? $5.97. Thank you Walmart.