“Mommy, I miss when everything at the dollar spot at Target was actually a dollar.” ~Greyson (7) #targetcanyouhearme
In the last month my daughter’s bedroom window broke. My camera broke, as in unrepairable {I am a part time photographer}. My driver’s seat in my car completely broke. My computer froze up and wasn’t working for a week. E X P E N S I V E month. The only redeeming part in all of it was the excellent ab workouts I received while trying to drive around town without a back on my seat.
Many times I pick up my phone and find random photos.
Hashtag graduated. #holdme
I just overhead my husband tell the dog to stop smiling.
I recently uncovered an old blanket because I thought I remembered an old blanket was tucked inside of it. I uncovered this gem. I feel this makes me some sort of sewing archaeologist. Quick.. all you sew er types, How do I repair this? Or, at very least transform it to something else?
Missouri has a crapton of bugs. Big ones. Little ones. Blood sucking ones. Fat squishy ones that fly from the outside through the broken dog door and through the chicken wire on your china cabinet and die a dramatic death on your cute white platter. #bellyup I wish I was kidding.
This picture provided the answer to a long time decorating challenge entitled What do I replace the broken laundry room bifold doors with? Let’s bring back bamboo curtains. Photo creds to A Beautiful Mess.
“May God Himself restore you to something you thought you’d lost and never get back again. May He heal a soul wound you never thought you’d get over. May He pour out an abundance of joy and hope that makes you celebrate before the answer comes. And may thriving rich faith mark your life in every way. You have access to the most high God today. May you live accordingly. -Susie Larson.
Happy Monday.