My small group just had dirtbag cereal night. I am not sure why the straws are there. I am hoping that someone got them out to stick in the bowl and drink up the milk. Despite the fact this is my house, I was an hour late to group because of another thing I had to be at. So, I am not really sure if this is the reason. I am, however, going to pretend that it is. That would be pretty epic on top of already existing epicness.

My peanut butter loving daughter turned 19 this summer. I have had this pinned for quite sometime, in anticipation. Fresh out of the oven ready to light candles. See the problem? #waxmelts and so does ice cream. I need to work on my drizzle technique and we had to sing really really fast. But wow, this was good.
Do you ever feel like you are an onion? Self growth is like that. Lots of learning going on this summer for me. Peel one layer back, then bam another layer, etc. etc. It literally doesn’t end? Right? So good, so painful. Thankful God’s in control.

The parentals came to visit to kick off our summer vacation. Always a highlight of our year when they make the 1800 mile one way drive to see us! Also today is my mama’s birthday! She’s 72! I love you, Mom!

My dog, Margaret, literally has zero spacial awareness. Like none. zero. ZERO. My dad is totally fine for those concerned. #cockapoo

I’m just over here trying to decide where this llama squad will go in my house. The one on the left is freaking smiling. SMILING. But the bigger question is where do trends come from? Where is the group of humans that are sitting around a board room table and decided to make llamas a thing? Let alone smiling squads of llamas? and furthermore, where does one apply for this position? #ivegotideas
I have a mental running list of major differences between California and Missouri. I added another one this week. At night if you are out shopping late in Ca, say at Target, you would park under a light in the parking lot. Absolutely the closest to the light you can get, because #criminals. In Missouri, you park as far as you can AWAY from the light because #bugs. It’s a funny thing. June bugs in your car and in your hair are not.

I used to be completely intimated at the thought of making bone broth. #truestory. I jumped in and found out that it is embarrassingly easy. I now drink 1.5 cups a day because I am on the autoimmune protocol. Why do I overcomplicate things? #justdoit

I am ready for fall. All things cozy. All the candles, hoodies, and stew you can find. S O R E A D Y….and also, just fyi, 128 days until Christmas 🙂 .
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